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February 13, 2014
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@coronado4sale, coronado beach, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado kelp, coronado luxury, coronado luxury homes, coronado pacific kelp, coronado pacific ocean, coronado seaweed, selling coronado homes
There are all sorts of interesting things to look at while on Coronado Beach. Some are out in the ocean, others are flying overhead. But in this case, these “interesting” things happen to be on the beach itself. They come from the ocean and during certain times of the year are laying in abundance along the shore. What am I talking about? Kelp.
Never in my life have I seen kelp quite like that of Coronado’s beach. The long, skinny tentacle-like arm can reach up to ten feet long. At one end, the single strand develops into tons of little strands that resemble fingers or cilia, like we once discovered in a middle school science experiment. Those little “hairs” latch themselves onto a rock or some sort of anchor that keeps...
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February 3, 2014
When I was about eight years of age, a friend of mine found an old, weathered bottle that had washed ashore the Coronado beach. Inside this bottle was a rolled up map leading to a buried treasure. She brought the map to her parents where they decided that a treasure hunt was as must. As the parents plotted, they allowed each of their children (three in total) to bring along a friend. To this day, I will always be grateful to my friend for choosing me as her plus one.
The map brought us through a series of steps that included using our math skills and being very precise with direction. Finally, after what seemed like hours (fun hours, I might add), we approached what we hoped was was the ‘X’ on the map. The secret spot was in the white,...
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January 27, 2014
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coronado beach, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado church bells, coronado clocks, coronado homes for sale, coronado luxury homes
Need to know the time? I know this may seem old school but listen for the bells. There are two beautiful churches in Coronado that chime on the hour, every hour of every day. I know it’s rare to not have a watch or phone to give us the time but there may be an instance where your phone has died or you left your pocket watch at home.
For centuries, the world has used clocks and sundials to know the time of day. And this ancient tradition continues to this day. I’m sure it seems obvious but sometimes we get used to the sounds of our town and hearing the church bells may fall into that category.
Each church plays a little intro, giving you time to listen (no pun intended). Once the melody is over, there will be a single “dong”...
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January 17, 2014
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coronado beach, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale., coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale., coronado homes for sale, coronado luxury homes
This morning I woke up at 7:30 to a blue, cloudless sky with the sun on the rise. I could tell it was going to be a beautiful, warm day - one of the perks of living in California in January. Itching for some exercise, I figured going for a stroll along the beach was the right thing to do. The day was young and the sun was gearing up for some intense heat.
The mornings can be a little chilly but I knew that wouldn’t last for long. So I threw on my flip flops, some ¾ jogging pants, a short sleeve shirt, grabbed my mom and headed out. We decided along the five minute walk to the beach that the plan of action was to walk one length of the beach in the soft sand and on the way back on the hard sand.
Along the way we encountered all...
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December 16, 2013
Posted in
coronado beach, coronado beach, coronado bike rentals, coronado bike rides, coronado homes, Coronado Homes For Sale, coronado homes for sale, Coronado Island, coronado island, coronado island, Coronado l, coronado lifestyle, coronado luxury homes, coronado luxury homes, coronado real estate, ferry landing, navigating coronado
For a day of sporty leisure, head on over to Coronado. Whether you arrive by car or ferry, you can easily rent bikes from one of the several rental shops on the island - Holland's Bicycles, Bikes & Beyond or Wheel Fun Rentals.
If your arrival point is the Ferry Landing, you can start your circumnavigation here. Grab rentals from Bikes & Beyond and head out. If your navigation starts in the southern direction, you will find yourself riding along a path, right next to the bay. As you cruise on, downtown San Diego sparkles across the bay and sailboats float on by. The path will bring you by Tidelands Park and heads under the bridge. As you ride under the massive structure, the Coronado Golf Course pops up just on the other side. Continuing...
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